Zero Sartorial

Small questions in clothing

Category: Meta

Go Again

It’s been nearly a year since the last update here; life and academia landed solidly on me in the meantime, and this blog languishes near the bottom of the priority list. Nevertheless, I’ve done some interesting things in the meantime, most notably starting to learn to make my own clothes for the Society for Creative […]

My Grandfather’s Sense of Style

In the introductory post to Zero Sartorial, I mentioned my grandfather, David Barrington Edge. He was born in 1903, into a very different world from the one I know. He died in the summer of 1986, when I was 8 years old. My recollections of anything before 10 are pretty fuzzy these days, so it’s […]

Reading Garment History

It probably seems like a strange thing to do, going delving into the history and particular distinctions of, say, jackets, just so that I can make a stab at why a particular ensemble of clothes looks good. The reason for this is that people read clothes. It’s cultural, it’s not completely conscious, and it’s definitely […]

What It’s All About

Welcome to Zero Sartorial. It’s an experiment. It may not go anywhere. I’m not going to tell anyone about it until it has at least ten posts, because I have enough half-started never-continued blogs out there, and I’d rather not draw attention to another until it proves it’s not one. To begin with, let me […]